Spots at 30!

Spots at 30!

I have recently started getting spots. I am not 13 anymore so admittedly very annoyed about this latest development in my struggle to attain flawless skin. I like most women, would get the odd spot around my chin at that time of month, hormones right?! But that would be all they were a small spot, easily covered up with some cleverly placed foundation. Alas this has no longer been the case since I turned 30. For some reason my body has decided that a slower metabolism and the first signs of wrinkles (or as I like to call it, in depth laughter lines) were not enough, and that it wanted to add very painful, large boil like spots to the equation.

These spots take up such a large proportion of your face, you can’t help but give it a name. My favourite so far was Eugene. He was a Whopper! And no amount of concealer was going to hide him away, he loved the spotlight and was going to let everyone know he was there. It also didn’t help that my 2 year old loved to poke it and say in her loudest voice “Mummy, what is that!”. Cue Shame and a desperate need for a paper bag.

I started looking back on my usual routine wondering if there was something different I was using or doing that could cause such a drastic change in my skin. I found nothing for it, other than simply, I have had two children, my hormones have changed and along with it, my skin. So I thought, no point in looking back as it will only give me a sore neck! Time to go forward with a new routine and product range. I am normally a Decleor girl myself, however I thought with teenage-like spotty skin I would try the clear start range by Dermalogica.

I started using Clear Start foaming wash, which was very different to my usual cream cleanser. I found you didn’t need a lot, about half a pea size. I used circular motions to apply to my skin, then used wet hands to foam it up and spread it. It really made my skin feel very clean and not dried out, like my old cleanser did.

Every second day I also use Clear Start pore control scrub. I used this as it said it would help to clear blackheads (which was another delight I discovered I had) and so far since I have been using it I haven’t had any blackheads rear their ugly heads anymore. When I was brave enough to flip my mirror around to the magnified side and take a closer look I noticed that they were reduced and almost gone around my nose.

I then use Clear Start Matte Moisturiser. The first few days I was really unsure about it and almost went back to my old thicker moisturiser I used to use for my dry skin. But I am very glad I persevered and got used to the new texture as I have had a big change in my complexion since using it. Redness has been reduced as well as no more large spots! Turns out my skin is now oily…not dry like it used to be.

I have used the Clear Start Cooling Mask only once a week for 2 weeks so far as not a lot of time in my skincare regime, but found this a very effective mask to fight blackheads. Very relaxing to have it on and washed off very easily leaving my skin feeling very fresh afterwards.

You can also use the Clear Start All Over Toner in between the scrub/cleanser and the moisturiser stage, but I have never got on with toners so have not bothered. There is also a Clear Start Emergency spot fix for when you do get a sneaky spot make it’s way through. Clear Start Overnight Treatment is also available in this range to use as the name suggests overnight. So all in all a very good range which covers all your needs and not just for teenage skin!

I would recommend going for the Clear Start Starter Kit for £23.50 and select a sample of Clear Start Emergency spot fix when you checkout. This will give you a very good range to start with and see if it’s the answer to clearing your skin, like it has been mine.

