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Type of Product
  1. Base Coat 5 items
  2. Bath Oils, Salts & Soaks 1 item
  3. Blusher 21 items
  4. Body Cream 4 items
  5. Body Oils & Serums 1 item
  6. Body Scrub 2 items
  7. Body Washes & Showergels 1 item
  8. Bronzers & Highlighters 10 items
  9. Brow Pencils & Colour 21 items
  10. Brush Cleaner 1 item
  11. Brushes & Combs 4 items
  12. Cleansers & Cleansing Wipes 9 items
  13. Cleansing Cloths & Flannels 2 items
  14. Concealer 18 items
  15. Conditioner 1 item
  16. Double 4 items
  17. Duo 21 items
  18. Eyeshadow 18 items
  19. Eye Creams 4 items
  20. Eye Creams, Serums & Masks 1 item
  21. Eye Liner 15 items
  22. Eyelash Curler 1 item
  23. Face Mist 1 item
  24. Face Oils & Serums 3 items
  25. False Lashes 6 items
  26. Foot Cream 2 items
  27. Foundation 76 items
  28. Gift Sets & Kits 33 items
  29. Hair Accessories 2 items
  30. Hair Clays 1 item
  31. Hair Removal 1 item
  32. Hair Straightener 1 item
  33. Hair Treatment 1 item
  34. Hair Waxes & Gels 1 item
  35. Hand Cream 10 items
  36. Hand Wash 1 item
  37. Lip Balm 23 items
  38. Lip Cream 15 items
  39. Lip Liner 2 items
  40. Lipgloss 13 items
  41. Lipstick 36 items
  42. Makeup Accessories 29 items
  43. Makeup Bags & Wash Bags 27 items
  44. Makeup Brushes & Sponges 78 items
  45. Makeup Powder 17 items
  46. Makeup Primer 13 items
  47. Mascara 14 items
  48. Moisturiser 7 items
  49. Nail Care 17 items
  50. Nail Polish 35 items
  51. Nail Varnish Remover 2 items
  52. Neck Cream 1 item
  53. Scissors & Clippers 1 item
  54. Shampoo 2 items
  55. Shaving 1 item
  56. Skin Treatment 4 items
  57. Skincare Brushes & Accessories 6 items
  58. Soap 2 items
  59. Sponges 1 item
  60. Sun Protection 5 items
  61. Supplements & Health 10 items
  62. Tan Accelerator 2 items
  63. Tanning 1 item
  64. Tinted Moisturiser 23 items
  65. Top Coat 6 items
  66. Towel 1 item
  67. Tweezers 2 items
  68. Lash Serum 1 item
  69. Lash Treatment 3 items
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Everything you need to achieve the makeup look you want with professionally used products. Whether it’s a natural glow or getting your makeup on fleek, Beauty Flash has everything you need.

With your style and trends changing so often and evolving, we all need a good makeup shopping spree every now and then. Whether you’re looking for the latest powder or brow product or even just need a change up from your everyday foundation or update your brushes our brands Stila, beautyblender and more have you covered.

Update your makeup application and care routine with Sigma and beautyblenders innovative brushes and sponges. Sigma offers a huge range of brushes along with amazing ways to care for them so that they last as long as possible for you. Why not hop on the beautyblender trend and try applying your makeup with their tear shaped sponges.

Try a Beauty Flash team favourite with the One Step Correct from Stila creating the perfect base for a flawless finished makeup look. Get your forever favourites or newly discover everything Stila has to offer at Beauty Flash.

Tame unruly brows with the Tweezerman tweezers or get the perfect shape with Full Brow Cosmetics, everything you need to care, shape and style your makeup, your way. Fill your makeup bag with all the makeup goodie Beauty Flash has to offer.